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Welcome to Body in Motion Sports Therapy

 Therapy in Motion


Body in Motion Sports Therapy is a business based in Jerusalem that offers a wide range of sports therapy services. Our team of experienced therapists provide treatment at a private clinic with massage services such as Swedish massage, sports massage, and medical massage, as well as hydrotherapy treatments using methods like Bad Ragaz, Watsu, and Halavik. We specialize in treating sports injuries and helping athletes regain their full range of motion. Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment designed to help you achieve your goals.
Our therapists work closely with sports teams, providing personal therapists and organizing sports events, handling logistical aspects like booking hotels, restaurants, attractions, and training places. We cater to individuals seeking massage therapy, sports teams in need of personal therapists, and organizations looking to organize sports events, with a focus on active individuals involved in sports such as judo, basketball, football, and running. Our dynamic target audience mix ensures we are always striving to provide the best possible service to meet the needs of our clients. The owner chose Jerusalem as the business location due to its proximity to their home.
Our goals for the business in the next year include increasing the number of customers and organizing more sports events in the sand. To achieve these goals, we plan to promote our services to attract more customers and teams.


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